Sunday, February 28, 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Painted Sketches

Working with the difference between seeing and depicting. This painting uses a sketch of field & snow patterns seen from a jet flying west over Kansas, probably. Maybe eastern Colorado. The sketches below are of land seen from above nearly straight down; the painting translates it, or distorts it, into a one-point perspective view and adds other blocks to fill the canvas. The ground was a beautiful silvery grey, some places deep and dark, others pale, ghostly. The sketch depicted in the painting is to the left of the clip.

Here's another painting combining a random grid pattern with another field & snow pattern. Again the softly lit colors, faded by atmospheric conditions, are difficult to re-imagine while painting.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Love drawing silver, rings, these last few days, from Anne van Cutsem's A World of Rings.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What the World Shows Us, Sometimes

I saw a little hawk take down a pigeon in traffic today. They struggled between cars stopped at the light, pigeon feathers swirling about in clouds. When their struggle took them into moving traffic, the pigeon escaped, they both escaped the truck barreling down on them. Pigeon wheeled around a building, hawk in pursuit. Bruegel's "Fall of Icarus." Did anyone else see?

New paintings:
Song (top) & Duet

Monday, February 1, 2010

Drawing Wakes Up Seeing

Am I mistaken or is this broken patch of sidewalk reminiscent of the bears I've been drawing?
Here's another pair from a walk today:

Moments later a flock of songbirds with yellow bellies flew overhead. Is spring really that close? Tomorrow is Groundhog's Day, the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. So the answer is yes even if I hadn't seen this sign of urgent love posted high on a telephone pole along 9th St:

6am Drawing

Drawing a stack of watercolor palettes is too much at 6am. But the bears… love them. Sketched from a photo series. The brown bear is a female, in the next two pictures she attacks the black bear, an inopportune suitor. These bear shapes are very appealing. Have been drawing & painting them quite a bit.